Southern Tool + Equipment Co


2006 Caterpillar D7R XR II Dozer Stock No. 89690 CAT D7 Dozer - 5588 Hours - 2006 Year Model - Made in USA, A C ROPS Cabin, 3176C Engine, Diff Steer, Side and Rear Tank Guarding, 8 Roller Frame, SU Blade Work done so far to machine - Re-sealed right lift cylinder - Re-rodded right lift cylinder - Fitted new 4 barrel rippers incl bolt-on drawbar - Fitted new transmission guard - New bottom tilt cylinder and brace arm pins - New sweeps incl roof plates - New side screens - New door screens - Sandblasted and painted in two pack - All new interior side upholstery - New interior roof head...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


1200L Diesel fuel tank 12V 50LPM Piusi Pump DMP1200 TFPOLYDD 1,200L Diesel Transfer unit ON SALE ------ 3450 PLUS GST Warehouse pickup Other Options . DMPF1200 ---- 1,200L Diesel Transfer Tank 85LPM Piusi Pump Nozzle 12V ---------------------- 4600 PLUS GST . DMP1200DC --- 1,200L Diesel Transfer Tank 70LPM Piusi Pump Nozzle 240V ------------------ 4700 PLUS GST . Optional Piusi Inline Litre Counter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 PLUS GST Great for transporting diesel to where you need it. This 1200L comes with a prope...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2012 Caterpillar D8T Bulldozer Stock No. 89693 CAT D8 Dozer - 2012 Year Model - A C ROPS Cabin, Diff Steer, Fast Fuel, SU Blade, Single Shank 4 Barrel Ripper Work done so far to machine - Fitted 2 x new batteries - 6 x new genuine CAT Injectors - Fitted all new genuine CAT track plates - New blade brace arm eye - New cutting edges - New ripper shank boot and protector - Fitted new sweeps incl roof plates - Fitted new side rear screens - Fitted new door screens - Reupholstered seat - Re-sealed both lift cylinders - Re-rodded left lift cylinder - Re-sealed tilt cylinder - New bottom bl...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


New 2024 Model Titan IronCraft 15 foot Folding Tractor Slasher FW15 540 PTO Australia s No 01 Selling Flex Wing Slasher Upgraded to 4 x 29 Heavy Duty Aircraft Tyre s Cutter Suspension 2 x Heavy Duty Springs Centre tail Introductory price for floor stock only Work Shop Pre delivered and work ready Pre delivered and work ready Pick up at Applethorpe or delivery can be arranged Australia wide. USA Manufactured Heavy Duty specification for Australian conditions. Model FW-15 Flex Folding Wing Rotary Slasher FW-15 4572mm 15 Foot 4 x 29 Heavy Duty Aircraft Tyre s Minimum Tractor PTO HP ---...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2012 Caterpillar D6T LGP Bulldozer Stock No. 94323 CAT D6 Dozer Wholesale Price ---- POA GST - 4254 Hours 809 Idle Hours - 2012 Year Model - Made in USA, Diff Steer, Side and Rear Tank Guards, Sweeps, Accu-Grade Ready, S Blade Work done so far to machine - New A C condenser and A C dryer at approx 720 hours by previous owner Additional work to be done within price - 1000 hour service - All new CAT filters - Re-gas and test A C - Fit complete new conventional undercarriage rollers, idlers, sprockets, chains, triangle shoes - Paint touch up - New decals - Fit rear bolt-on drawbar Whole...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2012 Caterpillar D8T Bulldozer Stock No. 89686 CAT D8 Dozer - 5247 Hours - 2012 Year Model - A C ROPS Cabin, Diff Steer, Single Shank 4 Barrel Ripper Additional work to be completed within price - 1000 hour service - All new CAT filters - Re-gas and test A C - Fit new sweeps incl roof plates - Fit new side rear screens - Paint touch up Wholesale Price ---- 565,000 GST including all of the above Choice of Single Shank or Multi-Shank Ripper within price Folding Stick Rake and Tree Pusher available at extra cost Turtle Shell Scrub Canopy available at extra cost Due to staff shortages, i...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2006 Caterpillar D4G XL Bulldozer Stock No. 75842 CAT D4 Dozer - 2006 Year Model - New Chains and Plates 100 Hours Ago - New Rippers and Sweeps recently - Currently working Wholesale Price ---- 95,000 GST Due to staff shortages, inspections are by prior arrangement only

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2005 Caterpillar D5G XL Bulldozer Stock No. 89673 CAT D5 Dozer - 2005 Year Model - VPAT Blade, A C ROPS Cabin, Joystick Controls Work done so far to machine - Fitted new 2 cylinder ripper Additional work to be done within price - 1000 hour service - All new CAT filters - Re-gas and test A C - Fit new sweeps screens incl roof plate - New decal kit - Paint touch up - Supply manuals - Fit new sprockets Wholesale Price ---- 145,000 GST Due to staff shortages, inspections are by prior arrangement only

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2017 Caterpillar D6T LGP Bulldozer Stock No. 98578 CAT D6 Dozer - 767 Hours - 2017 Year Model - A C ROPS Cabin, Heavy Duty Undercarriage not System 1 , Accu-Grade GPS Ready Additional work to be completed within price - 1000 hour service - All new CAT filters - Re-gas and test A C - Paint touch up Wholesale Price ---- POA GST including all of the above Due to staff shortages, inspections are by prior arrangement only

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2012 Caterpillar D6N XL Bulldozer Stock No. 92372 CAT D6 Dozer - 2012 Year Model - A C ROPS Cabin, VPAT Blade, Heavy Duty Undercarriage Not System 1 , Rippers, Diff Steer Controls Work done so far to machine - New front window - New sweeps with roof plates - New side rear screens - New seals bearings pins in equalizer bar - Line-bored track frames - New pins in c-frame - New cutting edges - Re-sealed all cylinders on machine - New end-bearings on both angle cylinders and tilt cylinder - All new bottom track frame wear strips - All new hoses on blade - New carrier rollers - Sandblaste...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2005 Caterpillar D6N XL Bulldozer Stock No. 87548 CAT D6 Dozer - 2005 Year Model - A C ROPS Cabin, VPAT Blade, Diff Steer, Heavy Duty Undercarriage not System 1 Work done so far to machine - Fitted new rippers - New cutting edges - New side and rear screens - All new bottom track frame wear strips - Fitted new roof plate - Fitted complete new undercarriage rollers, idlers, sprockets, plates, chains - New genuine CAT floormat - Re-sealed both lift cylinders - New grease lines on both angle cylinders - New front and back bearings in tilt cylinder - New angle cylinder barrel end bearing...

QLD - Delivers Nationally


2016 Caterpillar D6K2 XL dozer Stock No. 94325 CAT D6 Dozer - 2016 Year Model - Made in France, A C ROPS Cabin, Upgraded Blade Hungry Board, Ex CAT Dealer Rental Fleet, Heavy Duty Root Rake Work done so far to machine - New decal kit - New cutting edges - Fitted sweeps with roof plates - Fitted side and rear screens - Fitted new rippers Additional work to be completed within price - 1000 hour service - Fix 3-4 leaks under machine - All new CAT filters - Re-gas and test A C Wholesale Price ---- 235,000 GST including Heavy Duty Root Rake Due to staff shortages, inspections are by prior...

QLD - Delivers Nationally

Showing 169-180 of 273 items.